
Monday 29 April 2013

May Lindstrom The Clean Dirt review.

I feel like I am a little late to the party with this review. So many gals raving about this gem of a product.

The thing is I got The clean dirt from Spirit Beauty lounge last August as soon as it was launched on their site (it was not available in UK at the time). I did fall in love with it even before I tried it (I am not going to tell you how many times I watched those videos of May using her products). And that is the reason why I had to physically restrain myself from writing my review prematurely (I am sure we all had those times when we liked the idea of the product and its packaging more than the product itself).

Enough time has passed for the novelty to wear off, yet every time I use this face wash I feel excited like when I was a kid trying to make my first perfume (I was 8 and it went horribly wrong, note to self mixing apricot shampoo with water and rose petals does not make a perfume).

At its core this is a mixture of clays and spices. It looks like a face mask that you would need to mix with water (and it does make a good face mask if you are so inclined). All the ingredients are wonderful: turmeric, nutmeg, rose petals, red rhassoul clay (I didn't even know there was a red variety of rhassoul until this) amongst others are all great for brighter, softer skin.

 The ingredient that stands out for me is actually sea salt. Generally speaking whenever I manage to go on a beach holiday (unfortunately it is not very often) my skin gets to be the very best version of itself. Sea water (provided that there isn't some sort of environmental disaster) is very healing, if you ever had a cut or a scrape whilst on holiday and swam regularly in the sea or ocean, you would have noticed how much quicker it heals.

I use it pretty much as directed. Wet my face, pour a teaspoon amount in to the palm of my hand, wet my other hand and let the drips from it fall into the mixture, repeat as necessary, than gently mix it for a more even distribution of water. Gently massage it onto my face and let it sit for a minute. Wash off.

 It feels a little tingly on the skin from the spices. You do need to make sure that you rinse this of thoroughly otherwise your towels will not be so white. I normally pat dry my skin with MV organics muslin cloth (it is soft, as huge as a towel and I can wash it immediately if needs be). You could remove it with a muslin or a flannel if you wanted to, just make sure you do it very gently as you don't want to over exfoliate your skin.

The clean dirt smells like a spice market and when you add water it foams ever so slightly, turning into a slightly gritty mousse (makes me feel like an alchemist every time).

Packaging is gorgeous, very hefty feeling dark glass bottle. Absolutely reusable for your home made body/bath oil, or  what ever else you choose to do with it (I think a bouquet of field flowers will look great in it).

I don't use it very often at the moment (every one or two weeks and I didn't not use it through out September) so let's say after 6 months of unevenly distributed use I still have at least 1/3 of the bottle (a little hard to tell I think it is closer to 1/2 but not sure). The effect is very visible after each use, skin is brighter, more even and feels very soft.

Good value for money despite the initial price and a pure delight to use. My enthusiasm for it didn't not diminish at all.

One other thing that is great that this is truly an artisan skincare line. Mixed by hand with carefully sourced ingredients. I do enjoy mixing my own thing occasionally and they all work wonderfully yet they do not have the same luxurious spa experience that May Lindstroms products do (and if you can mix something like it then you really need to start selling).

If you are in UK you can get it from Content, if you have super sensitive skin they provide a sample service you will only need to pay for postage. ( I am turning into a running commercial of Content, they just seem to have a lot of  innovative natural lines that I like)


  1. Want to try it! Love sea salt!

    1. You should! You could always get a sample first :)
