
Sunday 14 July 2013

Heat wave skincare

So London has been experiencing a bit of a heat wave in the past two weeks, which means that I had to adjust my already simplified summer routine.

Morning routine:

I alternate between washing my face with water and manuka honey. The honey I have is from Comvita and comes in a tube. With this heat I can't get away with just washing my face with water every day as my skin would become way to oily and clogged, honey is a really gentle cleanser that balances the skin without drying it out.

After cleansing I am using Pai rosemary and rice plant toner. This toner is really gentle, it works so well with my skin. It helps with your skins natural moisture levels and I use it as a liquid moisturiser (my skin is not tolerating any creams at the moment anyway).

That is it! My whole morning routine, if I am spending a day in the sun I will use spf, I talked about suncare that I use in this post.

Evening routine:

Now this is a little more complicated. If I had no make-up and no sunscreen on, I will just use honey as a cleanser, followed by Pai toner (this happens about 2-3 times a week).

The rest of the time my routine is as follows:

1. Massage coconut oil into my face ( at the moment I am using Essence of Eden and am very impressed with the quality of this oil)
2. Mix May Lindstrom Clean Dirt with water in my hand, and apply to my face (on top of the coconut oil that is already there), wash it all off
3. Wipe my face with S.W. Basics toner
4. Apply some light oil  to face and neck.

Now I have been going between a few oil samples and have just recently purchased a new facial oil, as I haven't been using it for a very long period of time, I will let it be a mystery for a little while. If you are thinking of adjusting your routine and want to use an oil at night, I would strongly suggest using something that is quiet light (so it won't clog your pores in this heat) and full of antioxidants to help regenerate your skin after sun exposure.

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