
Monday 27 January 2014

Inside my makeup bag.

It is not a secret that I have enough makeup for a small army, and in order not to loose track of what's what I have a storage system in place. My latest addition to said system has been a little travel bag, with my most used day to day items, which I can also easily grab with me if I am going away for a weekend or something.

First of all I want to say a few words about the bag itself.

It is from Holistic silk and like all their products it is absolutely beautiful. It is a one compartment bag that is lined with metallic waterproof fabric, so super easy to clean. What makes this bag extra special is the fact that there is dried lavender hidden under the lining, every time you gently squeeze the sides of the bag you get a little aromatherapy.

Inside the bag:

My small Z palette of Kjaer Weiss products. I have four eye shadows in wisdom, cloud nine, magnetic and earthy calm. And I have two lip tints in passionate and goddess. I really love palettes, but when you by premade ones there is always a colour that you end up not using, so I really like making my own, and I just find Kjaer Weis to be of superb quality.

I have two nudist colorbalms from W3ll People (one of them in old packaging) in coral and poppy. I adore both colours and texture. They are just perfect for the minimal makeup looks. I think these lip products are hard to beat for daytime looks.

Lily Lolo lipstick in Parisian Pink. This has to be my most used lipstick this winter. It is a very flirty warm pink colour that is neither Barbie nor berry. Just a beautiful, subdued colour that brings sparkle to your eyes. The lipstick itself is very moisturising and is perfect for winter lips.

Real purity blush in shrimp. This is the colour that I have been looking for ever an ever. If anyone was a fan of Mac before going natural, there was this limited edition venomous villains blush in bite of an apple, this is a really good match to it. And it just happens to be everything I was looking for in a blush, but unable to find until now. It is somewhere between pink and coral, and absolutely fantastic at bringing out blue eyes and generally brightening up your face.

Kjaer Weis mascara. This is the mascara I am using at the moment. I like that it smells of roses and it has one of the best ingredients lists that I have come across. I think it is pretty decent at lengthening and darkening, but not at thickening.

The last thing I have in here is not actually makeup, it is a travel size spray from Lotus Wei. Specifically quiet mind. As I have a travel set, which I find very convenient, I swap between the sprays depending on what I feel is best at the time. Honestly these sprays are amazing and they make a huge difference, plus they smell awesome and easily double up as a perfume.

As you have probably noticed there are no foundation or concealers in here, and it's simply because I have rarely used them in the past few months so they have been sitting in a bedside draw instead.


  1. Thanks for the look in! You have great taste...Z palette is a great idea for Kjaer Weis products, something I'm going to look into!

    Mayah x

    1. that is such a lovely thing to say, thank you. the z palette is super convenient, they come in so many different sizes too, I have the smallest for travelling. xx

  2. What a great post! I think my skin tone (and taste!) is very similar to yours, so I find these make-up posts really, really inspiring! I've never heard of Real Purity before, but that blush looks amazing. I would love to see a swatch!


    1. thank you so much, makes me so happy that you liked it! I will try to do a post on eat this week xx
