
Saturday 8 March 2014

Fresh and spring

Flowers are in bloom, air smells sweet yet fresh, it really is starting to feel like spring has arrived. While I was enjoying warm, spicy scents of clove and cardamom in winter, I am ready for change, now is a good time to switch to a lighter fragrance.

Pacifica french lilac perfume is a perfect representation of spring. A very fresh and playful floral scent. Historycally purple lilacs signified first love and white lilacs represented youthful innocence. Lilacs botanical name is Syringa, which is also a name of the nymph from Greek mythology. The beutiful nymph turned herself into a fragrant bush in order to escape advances of Pan, god of the forest.

When I was little we had a lilac bush, where all the neighbourhood kids loved to play. Scent of lilacs have always been special to me, I was allways on the lookout for this scent, but the closest I have come in the past was a floral perfume from aqua allegoria range by Guerlain. It can be challenging finding fresh scents in the world of natural beauty, I think Pacifica have managed it very well.

This particular perfume smells exactly like the purple lilac bush from my childhood. Pacifica perfumes come in liquid and solid forms. This time I have chosen a roller ball, and I love the convinience of it. I would say it lasts about 5-6 hours on me, the size of the bottle is very travel friendly, and I am more than happy to reaply when I feel the need. More importantly, it is £12.00, so for someone like myself, who likes to have a few different scents on hand, it is a very good option. There are a lot of other choices if lilacs do not float your boat, for me however, this perfume is very special. If you like your scent to smell like actual flowers or fruit that it represents, give pacifica a try. I purchased mine from a health and beauty store, but they are now available on LoveLula.

What perfumes will you be wearing this spring?


  1. I've been curious about the Pacifica scents but it's hard for me to buy online because I am very fussy when it comes to my nose. This does sound lovely and I like how affordable it is :-)

    1. Yeah I am totally with you on that, luckily I have a few stores that stock Pacifica so I got to smell them first ;)

  2. Funny I just came across Pacifica the other day and today you wrote this review! I'm really interested in natural perfumes currently, I love that Pacifica's collection is so affordable.

    1. Now that is what I call timing :) I have a few of their solid perfumes, and I tend to get something from Pacifica every spring/summer, but this is my first roll on xx
