
Monday 9 February 2015

Living Nature Vitality Body oil

Ever since I discovered beauty oils, be they for the face or for the body, I became more than a little obsessed with them. With every new blend I get excited, it seems to be my very own mission impossible to try them all (and for every bottle crossed of my list, three new creations pop up). I have been mentally dividing body oils into categories of luxuriously scented sensual blends, aromatherapeutic blends, and the work horses that make your skin feel soft but with no mood lifting benefits. Living Nature Vitality Body oil* however just created its own category of a functional body oil.

Vitality Body oil* is a base of almond and wheatgerm oils, blended with arnica, lemon, kunzea, juniper, peppermint and clary sage essential oils. While it did leave my skin soft and well moisturised, being a decent body care product is not what makes this blend stand out. The most interesting ingredient to me is the Kunzea oil, something that I was completely unfamiliar with. Kunzea is approved by the TGA (Australia) for use as a medicine for external use, and is reported to be effective in relief of muscular aches and to help relieve symptoms of influenza. This body oil can be used for a daily uplifting massage, on selected areas or all over, or added to a cup of full fat milk and into bath water for a relaxing soak.

I find the scent a little puzzling, probably best described as herbaceous, it has a faint sweetness about it and yet reminds of medicinal herbal tea, however it is not very strong and I do not find it unpleasant. The fragrance changes and is a little more fresh and pepperminty once applied to the skin, and becomes unnoticeable by the time I finish getting ready in the morning (so I would say in about half hour). Within seconds of applying the oil I can feel the warming effect and blood flowing to my muscles. It has been a welcome change to my morning commute, where I normally feel like Pinocchio trying to make it to work on wooden, barely responsive legs, since I have been using Vitality body oil* it felt more like a stroll during mild spring weather (if not quiet summer). I have been using it for around three weeks (mostly on my calf muscles), and the difference in how  my legs have been feeling after work has been pretty remarkable. I tend to spend most of my day standing up and often by the time I get home, I just collapse on the bed and say a silent prayer, thanking my lucky stars that Mr RF is not only around, but also happy to sort out dinner. This past few weeks it has been a completely different story, I have been fine, of course the tiredness is still there but the pain is more of a mild discomfort (depends on the day, but a drastic overall improvement). While I have used and loved muscle balms and ointments in the past to help with aches, none have made such a difference as the Vitality Body oil*. I have also been using it just before a yoga practise on occasion, at it has been wonderful in terms of warming me up and making me feel a bit more limber.

I can not vouch for how it acts when you have a cold, as I haven't had a cold since I have been using the oil, but then again maybe this oil is responsible for me not having a cold? One thing I can definitely attest to, is that it is very effective when it comes to warming up muscles, and finally making me feel warmer in the winter.

*PR sample, opinion is absolutely my own and completely honest as always.


  1. You make this product sound very inviting, good to hear you have been seeing some benefits from using it and that your legs are feeling better. I remember the days of Saturday jobs working retail and I always had leg pains.

    1. Yes retail is a killer! If it is not your legs than it's your feet or your back ;)

  2. Ooh, just from your description this sounds absolutely lovely and something perfect for the colder weather. My muscles are aching all the time at the moment so I might need to get my hands on it! Great review :) x

    1. Thank you! absolutely adore it, perfect for winter or for anyone that does lots of physical stuff :) xx

  3. I.must.get.this. I'm a walking iceberg, always freezing haha (tons of layers, and even at home I'm walking around with a big blanket on my shoulders). Anyways, thank you for this great review lovely, and I'm so glad to hear it eased your fatigue and pain. Hope you feel much better soon! xx

    1. Lol yet again tweensies! It made such a difference, as soon as you apply it you can feel yourself warming up. I haven't actua tried it in a bath though... Might give it a go :)xx
